Acquisition and Contract Management Program, British Columbia, Canada

October 21, 2018 | By Admin2 | Filed in: STUDY IN CANADA.

The District Government of British Columbia has historically been the buyer of many contracted services. It does not matter if bridges are built, computers are developed, or some utilities are provided, the government often uses suppliers instead of directly applying the experience. Over the years, the number of counterparties would increase or decrease, but the trend in the long run was towards the use of providers.

Duties of different purchases.
Many government officials will be responsible for various tasks related to the formulation of supply proposals, the evaluation of candidates and the awarding of contracts. Some employees had particular experience with acquisitions and contracts, others did not. Several errors were made in complex operations. Terms and conditions are confusing to employees and sellers because they are selectively interpreted by individuals. The values ​​of the contracts are often important and represent a major asset for the companies concerned. The complexity of the bidding process forces companies to spend a lot of time responding to preparation. With the growing importance of the acquisition process, business risks have also increased. In obvious cases of errors by government employees, companies felt they had a reason to seek redress from the courts. In most cases, government courts have approved expensive regulations.

Executive Governance
The Comptroller General of British Columbia has decided to address training gaps and experience leading to costly purchase errors. The Procurement and Contracts Management Program has been developed to improve the knowledge and skills of public servants. This comprehensive set of sessions provided participants with specific conditions and concepts for the public procurement environment. An introductory course for all program participants provided the most important vocabulary in terms of procurement and contract management. Subsequent sessions, delivered by qualified trainers, were devoted to detailed topics such as negotiation, purchase requisitions, response analysis and vendor management. Courses have developed to a higher level around topics, giving examples and examples of the history of studying good and bad cases. The program resulted in a relevant case study prepared by each graduate.

PCMP success
The contract acquisition and management program has achieved its objectives. The Government of British Columbia has recognized that the program has improved procurement and contracting and reduced results. More than 130 employees completed the program. Employees gain valuable knowledge that defines standard skills in the areas of acquisition. The need for transitional supply training is minor. With the growth of free trade agreements in the province, procurement training should be more important. The Government of British Columbia, in collaboration with the Procurement and Contracting Management Program, is creating a knowledge center for staff. It is expected that errors and costs at Barrick will continue to decrease as a direct result of the success of the CMP project.

Future Direction
As in British Columbia, as in all other jurisdictions, budget pressures have prevailed and emphasis has been placed on cost reduction methods. In-company training programs, such as the project management plan, were reviewed. Although many aspects of the program are delivered via the Internet, program coordinators have expressed interest in expanding their offer online. Demand for program cycles is high and represents a real opportunity to control costs in government work. Many employees believe that all employees should have a basic understanding of the proposed acquisitions in each course of the program. The only practical way to offer classes to everyone will be online. However, progress is slow. At the same time, traditional delivery methods have been limited to employees whose procurement and contract management is an essential part of recruiting tasks.


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